Health is at the heart of so much of the world’s poverty and suffering. When communities don’t have enough food, when they depend on unsafe water sources, when they don’t have access to reliable health support, every life suffers.
Did you Know?
ADRA Fiji promotes healthy life style changes as part of the intervention to combat sickness that leads to death in Fiji. There is a need in Fiji to address NCD and ADRA Fiji had been supported by its regional partners undertaking research with CHIP and now called Fiji Circular Economy for Healthy Lifestyle project. As part of the health intervention ADRA Fiji has trained Community health workers to lead the good health practices at community level.
Other focus area
For more than 5 years ADRA Fiji has been delivering WASH programs.ADRA Fijis priorities and approaches for WASH are to promote hygiene practices, water management committee, refurbishment of water supply systems, sanitation awareness and provision of access to safe drinking water.
It has implemented Projects that provide beneficiaries access to drinking water and provide training on hygiene awareness. These projects include the construction of gravitationally fed water supply systems, training of management committees on hygiene and maintenance of these water supply systems. These trainings were often conducted in partnership with The Fiji Ministry of Health (MOH), WASH Cluster and the Water Authority of Fiji (WAF). Working with WAF has ensured that standards for piped water supply are maintained throughout ADRAs work in the area of WASH.
In its WASH Projects, ADRA Fiji ensures the contributions of its beneficiaries are encouraged and recognized. When beneficiaries contribute, the sustainability of projects increases, ultimately improving social living condition including their health.